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Crisis Management And Negotiation Strategies.

Crisis is any contentious situation involving two or more people. Crisis situations encompass a number of areas that can be political, social, economic or environmentally-related. Unmanageable crises can lead to violent conflict. The magnitude of a crisis can be either on a macro or micro level, each requiring varying negotiation strategies to solve. The thrust of this course is the macro type of crises (the big stuff) and the kinds of negotiation strategies that can be deployed to deal with them. The trainers are experts, academics, and experienced politicians with legislative and executive political backgrounds.

Topics To Be Covered
1. Broad Presentation Of Types Of Crises (Global, regional, national and state).
2. Broad Crisis Prevention Negotiation Strategies.
3. Crises Prevention Strategies Applicable To Global, Regional, National and State Types Of Crises.
4. Crisis Case Study (Various Cases) And Prevention Strategies Applied To Prevent Conflict.
5. Application Of Strategies To Specific Cases Of Importance To Participants.

Content Delivery: Lectures, videos, photos, class interaction, exercises, role play, simulations.

Who Should Attend—Political leaders, NGOs, community leaders, religious leaders, law enforcement personnel.

Outcome—new or enhanced knowledge about Broad Presentation Of Types Of Crises (Global, regional, national and state); Broad Crisis Prevention Negotiation Strategies; Crises Prevention Strategies Applicable To Global, Regional, National and State Types Of Crises; Crisis Case Study (Various Cases) And Prevention Strategies Applied
To Prevent Conflict; Application Of Strategies To Specific Cases Of Importance To Participants.

Course Delivery Locations: Washington DC (USA), The UK, Turkey, and Dubai.

Zoom Distance Learning Delivery: Call or send an email for availability.

Contact Information for Pricing on short courses:





Creating learning services in development and crises prevention strategies, using top notch human and technological resources that meet the
expectations of our clients.



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              1629 K Street, Suite 300,

              NW. Washington DC, 20006.


             (202) 827-9969.


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