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Corporate and Small Business Entrepreneurship

Corporate entrepreneurship is the actions of an existing large company to introduce new products and services to add to its
existing offerings. Entrepreneurship is not only when an individual takes a risk to commercially introduce his idea to the marketplace
and hope to make a profit from it. Big companies are also interested in making a profit so they can remain in business. This therefore
requires innovation and improvements in existing offerings or the introduction of new ones. Small business entrepreneurships are typically small to medium in scope. Examples of small business entrepreneurship include trading concerns, barbershops, hair salons, consultancies, plumbing, and store keeping. Small businesses have always existed in human history, as long as anyone had an idea to turn into a profit. The trainers for this short course are business leaders and academics.

Topics To Be Covered

1. Entrepreneurial Strategic Planning.
2. A Systematic Approach To Entrepreneurship.
3. Decision Making In Business.
4. The Balanced Scorecard in Entrepreneurial Management
5. Key Operations Management Skills For The Entrepreneur.
6. Leadership Application Models For Entrepreneurial Success.
7. National And International Entrepreneurship Funding Sources.
8. Applying what was learned to Initiate Individual or Group Entrepreneurial Projects.

Content Delivery: Lecture, videos, photos, class interaction, exercises, role play, simulations.

Who Should Attend: Corporate new business decision makers, small business entrepreneurs.

Outcomes—new or enhanced knowledge about Entrepreneurial Strategic Planning; A Systematic Approach To Entrepreneurship;
Decision Making In Business; The Balanced Scorecard in Entrepreneurial Management; Key Operations Management Skills For
The Entrepreneur; Leadership Application Models For Entrepreneurial Success; National And International Entrepreneurship Funding
Sources; Applying what was learned to Initiate Individual or Group Entrepreneurial Projects.

Course Delivery Locations: Washington DC USA, the UK, Turkey, and Dubai.

Zoom Distance Learning Delivery: Call or send an email for availability.

Contact Information for Pricing on short courses:


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