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Ports Operations Occupational Safety and Health.

Occupational Safety and Health are two critical elements necessary to create and maintain a healthy and productive work force. In the case of dockworkers, it is even more critical, considering the nature of the work and the hazards involved. Dockworkers must deal with such activities as loading and unloading of cargo, ship unmooring, and securing cargo. These activities require physical movements and hand to-eye coordination to avoid injury or death. The training program aims to impart knowledge in prevention methods, as well as in first aid treatment options. The trainers are experienced dock workers and safety and health professionals.


Topics To Be Covered
1. Falls And Slips: Causes.
2. Risks in Mooring and Causes.
3. Risk of Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals and Causes.
4. Risks of Climatic Conditions and Causes.
5. Risks of Fatigue and Causes.
6. Risks of Lifting and Causes.
7. Risks of Working At Heights and Causes.
8. Risks of In-Port Transportation and Causes.
9. Safety and health management systems.
10. Model of safety and health management.
11. Implementation of health and safety systems.
12. Giving First Aid.

Content Delivery: Lectures, videos, photos, class interaction, exercises, role play, simulations, port tours.

Who Should Attend—Dockworkers.

Outcome—new or enhanced knowledge about Falls And Slips causes; Risks in Mooring and Causes; Risk of Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals and Causes; Risks of Climatic Conditions and Causes; Risks of Fatigue And Causes; Risks of Lifting And Causes; Risks of Working At Heights and Causes; Risks of In-Port Transportation and Causes; Safety and health management systems; Model of safety and health management; Implementation of health and safety systems; Giving First Aid.


Course Delivery Locations: Baltimore, USA; Dubai, and clients’ home country.

Zoom Distance Learning Delivery: Call or send an email for availability.

Contact Information for Pricing on short courses:


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