(Shining the light of Reason, Tolerance, Peace and Development on the world)
Managing Diversity In A Multicultural, Multi-ethnic and Multi-religious Society.
Managing diversity in multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi religious societies can be a significant challenge. World history is replete with shattered countries where diversities were poorly managed, leading to avoidable conflicts with significant costs in human life and destroyed property. Violence arising from mismanaged ethnic, cultural and religious diversity remains a threat to global peace, in spite of efforts by various organizations, particularly international organizations, to avert crises and resolve conflicts. Political leaders that engage in demagoguery by taking advantage of societal fissures created by
ethnic and cultural divisions bear some responsibility in the violence that’s often the outcome of these divisions. The short course and its workshop variant are designed to bring participants together with trainers (experts, academics, and accomplished political leaders) in a learning experience aimed at outcomes that build the skills of effective
multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi religious diversity management.
Topics To Be Covered
1. Contemporary Issues Of Diversity Management In Multicultural, Multi-ethnic and Multi-religious Societies.
2. Leadership Models And Skills In Diversity Management.
3. Influence Of Political Systems On Diversity Management.
4. The Swiss Model In Diversity Management.
5. Specific Applications Of The Swiss Model In Diversity Management.
Content Delivery: Lectures, videos, photos, class interaction, exercises, role play, simulations.
Who Should Attend—Political leaders, religious leaders, leaders of socio-cultural organizations, government officials.
Outcome—new or enhanced knowledge about Contemporary Issues Of Diversity Management In Multicultural, Multi-ethnic and Multi-religious Societies; Leadership Models And Skills In Diversity Management; Influence Of Political Systems In Diversity Management; The Swiss Model In Diversity Management; Specific Applications Of The Swiss Model In Diversity Management.
Course Delivery Locations: Washington DC (USA), The UK, Turkey, and Dubai.
Zoom Distance Learning Delivery: Call or send an email for availability.
Contact Information for Pricing on short courses: