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The Government Budgeting Process



The government budgeting process involves a number of processes and people. The budget document must be put together by
technocrats at the direction of public officials and/or politicians. The approval process entails bureaucratic and political dynamics. In
democratic dispensations, the budget goes through a legislative review and a vote. In this short course, participants will be availed of experts in the government budgeting process drawn from various governmental systems.

Topics To Be Covered:

1. Types of Budget—balanced, deficit and surplus.
2. Setting The Budget Objectives.
3. Identifying The Sources of Revenue.
4. The items of expenditure
5. Drafting the budget
6. The legislative process of Debate And approval
7. Budget Implementation.
8. Budget Monitoring.

Who Should Attend—Public administrators and senior civil servants, particularly ministries of finance officials, and political leaders.

Outcome—new or enhanced knowledge about Types of Budget— balanced, deficit and surplus; Setting The Budget Objectives;
Identifying The Sources of Revenue; The items of expenditure; Drafting the budget; The legislative process of Debate And approval;
Budget Implementation; Budget Monitoring.

Course Delivery Locations: Washington DC, USA; and Dubai.
Zoom Distance Learning Delivery: Call or send an email about

Contact Information for Pricing on short courses:

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